Sunday, November 22, 2015

One Year

 I cannot believe it's been a year since this wonderful day. God continues to bless me through Michael every single day. We have so much fun and are always laughing. It's such a special relationship. I am forever grateful that God brought us together. Here are some highlights from our first year of marriage!

September 28th-October 4th: Of course our honeymoon was so fun! From lunch with the Disney princesses to me saving his life while he almost got stung by a huge jellyfish in Sanibel. It was a lovely trip!

 October 17th--Watching him do his exercises and walk the hallway after his knee surgery. I couldn't believe how strong and determined he was.

November 3rd--Omgsh. I will never forget the JOY I felt this day to bring Mike home from the hospital. I would go home to our apartment every evening before I went to the hospital to be with him and our apartment was always so eerie without him. It was so nice to have him home.

November 29th--Yes, the DAY after Thanksgiving we got our FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE. Such an exciting moment! Especially since Mike lovessssss Christmas so much.

December 24th-- I'll never forget us laying on the floor next to our crispy, dried up tree (because we got it in November...) talking about our Christmas wishes and dreams for the future. What a special night.

December 31st-- We rang in the New Year with Mandy and Jared. We had such a fun night with them. We came back to our apartment the next day to find it was below 50 degrees in our apartment because our heat was broken...


February 14th-- First married Valentine's Day. Good thing we didn't make any fancy dinner plans since it snowed like crazy. We watched people getting stuck on the road outside our apartment and ordered pizza for dinner.

April 27th-- We got to relive our honeymoon when I made orange crunch cake from The Bubble Room for Mike's birthday! Yum.

May 15th--We settled on our condo!

May 27th--After MONTHS of torture, drills, weights,  and running, Tim kicked Mike out of PT. We both left a little dumb-founded, like did that really just happen? Big moment for Mike in his ACL rehab.

June 19th--Mike's first time hitting at the batting cages! I think I was more excited than he was--I even shed a few tears of joy watching him. :)

June 24th--Mike's first softball game since his ACL surgery. Wow, what an exciting and special night to see all his hard work pay off!

Summer 2015--It was full of NATS games and trips to the country while we slowly pieced our condo together. I loved every minute spent working beside my husband. He worked so hard on our condo but we still took time to relax and have fun.

September 5th--My first time on the Williford Family Vacation to Salvo, Hatteras, NC. I definitely fell in love with Hatteras and cannot wait to go back. We spent every day with Kristen on the beach. We did lots of shopping, seafood-eating and swimming. We even got to see baby sea turtles!

It's been a wild year, but I've loved every minute of it. I love you Michael!

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